Govt could lose up to £1bn during Dry Jan

The UK government could lose up to £1 billion in taxes if the majority of British drinkers go dry for Dry January.

As it is, the average UK household sees over £460 going to pay for drink duties every year, with the total cost of the levies forecasted for the coming 12 months is £12.8 billion.

The Treasury said: “We’re supporting pubs and keeping costs down for consumers by freezing alcohol duty rates – a tax cut worth £3 billion.”

Not mentioned in all of this is how distillers, brewers and the hospitality industry are suffering after poor December sales due to Covid. The last thing the industry needs is a strong showing for Dry January.


Flavour perception effect of ethanol

Adding water to your distilled spirit will change its flavour. The question is: By how much? Researchers Chelsea Ickes and Keith Cadwallader report. For whisky