Scottish Knockhill submits plans for carbon neutral distillery

If approved, a new distillery will be opening up at Din Moss Farm, near Dunfermline.

According to Scottish Construction Now, the distillery has the potential to create 11 new jobs and build a platform for future expansion at the family run farm which raises sheep and poulty.

Like many other new whisky distilleries, a gin and vodka distillation still will be run alongside the whisky still to create additional income and allow those behind the project to develop and market the brand while the malt matures for a minimum of three years.

A spokesperson for Knockhill Distillery said the business plan submitted alongside the application demonstrates the business will be both “viable and sustainable”.

They said: “This plan shows that Knockhill Distillery has the potential to be successful, will immediately provide rural employment opportunities to local fabrication, plumbing and electrical firms, will provide up to 11 staff roles including trainee positions and has the possibility of creating a Fife tourist facility in the future with further employment opportunities.

“We aim to operate as a carbon-neutral business from the outset and will adhere a strong requisite to purchase and support local producers.”

Wood on the farm will be used as fuel for the distillery.


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