It has been nearly a year since the UK left the European Union and many distilleries who used to export to the EU are now experiencing difficulties.
With more changes due in January 2022, the UK Food & Drink Federation is working with Pedagogo Limited to provide 100 international trade assistants. You can apply for a wholly funded employee (international trade assistant) for a period of up to six months on a temporary contract of 25 hours per week. This is at a zero cost to you as the Government will pay the salary based on 25 hours per week at the national minimum wage.
Prior to commencement of the placement, all Trainee International Trade Assistants will receive a 30-hour comprehensive training programme from Pedagogo that will enable them to be able to administer customs documentation for import and or export.
The training programme will include focusing on the products that are being exported or imported by your business. The cost of the training programme will be fully funded by the Government’s Kickstart offer. You will be able to decide whether you wish your International Trade Assistant to manage all customs documentation or to provide the necessary information to a third-party customs agency.
On completion of the six-month placement you will have a number of options:

- Employ the Trainee International Trade Assistant as a full-time member of staff.
- Employ the Trainee International Trade Assistant as an apprentice able to progress onto the International Freight Forwarder apprenticeship standard.
- Contract with Pedagogo as an agent to provide the Trainee International Trade Assistant for a fee including their salary.
- Contract with Pedagogo as an agent to recruit a new Trainee International Trade Assistant for a fee including their salary. There would be an additional charge for the 30 hour training package.
- Terminate the arrangement.
Applications need to be made by Friday 3rd December. For more information or to apply simply visit or email Pedagogo at