Behind scenes look at branding a start-up

USA CODO Design continues to share for free online its advice on marketing and branding. Although CODO works primarily with craft distilleries, all of their advice applies to craft distilleries as well.

While much of CODO’s advice is for established breweries looking at rebranding themselves, in the last article from the design company CODO takes a behind the scenes look at how it branded start-up Lost Nomad.

At Distillers, we remained amazed as always at the amount of useful information CODO puts on its website for free. If you are thinking of branding, rebranding, or marketing, this is a great place to start.

Go here to sign up for CODO’s newsletter and to see what is available.


The Rise of Cachaca

Like how craft beer spun out from big beer so, too, has craft gin spun out from the big players. Future distillers – with a