Irish drink suppliers call for wider reopening of hospitality sector

Around two-thirds of adults polled in Ireland agreed that the social and mental wellbeing of the general population has been negatively impacted as a direct result of the closure of hospitality venues.

The Irish hospitality industry agrees.

Patricia Callan, director of Drinks Ireland said: “Hospitality venues have been sorely missed, and after a year and a half of opening and closing, have been busy welcoming customers back safely, facilitating the craic and connections they’re renowned for.”

On 18 October there was a wider reopening of pubs and restaurants, which those in the drinks industry believe should be expanded on, considering the success of Ireland’s vaccination programme.

“We’re all well aware of the economic importance of the hospitality sector and wider Experience Economy, supporting jobs, local economies and tourism. But they’re also vital for the social and mental wellbeing of many, bringing vibrancy to towns and villages across the country,” said Callan.


Solar farm planned for whisky packing plant

Drinks company Diageo has applied for planning permission to build a solar energy farm alongside its packaging plant at Leven, according to Scottish Construction Now. Subject to