Supermarket spirits tax to rise

For all those drinkers who are enjoying paying less to drink at home than in a pub or restaurant, those days might soon be over.

In an attempt to raise revenue, the Treasury is considering a levy on spirits from supermarkets or local stores. Some Tory MPs see this ‘levelling of the playing field” as a way of helping the ailing hospitality industry.

In the 17 weeks of lockdown to 11 July, Brits spent £7.7 billion on alcohol at supermarkets, a rise of £1.9 billion on the year before. The Government is committed to a review of the duty system and has launched a call for evidence on how it could be reformed.


New range of 10% ABV spirits

While low to no alcohol spirits continue to grow in popularity, with these spirits usually around 2% ABV to 0.0% ABV, another category is entering