UK alcohol coffers are bursting

The Government is £800 million richer than it anticipated in taxes from alcohol duties, which actually rose during the pandemic, according to data from the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR).

This last year alcohol duties brought in £12.7 billion, up from £11.5 billion the previous year. UK consumers – unable to drink in pubs, restaurants and clubs – turned to supermarkets for their daily sip.  

However, the hospitality trade has to be wondering if Britons will prefer drinking at home as they have become accustomed to over the last year, or will they return to pubs once restrictions are lifted?


Think pink for big sales

Pink spirits from gin to tequila continue to show steady growth, according to SevenFiftyDaily, and show no signs of letting up. Indeed, in the wine

One tin lighter

Eco-friendly Bruichladdich Distillers are removing its tins on its web-shop and in its distillery shop in an effort to reduce packaging. While already the tins